
赤穂昭太郎著 カーネル多変量解析 非線形データ解析の新しい展開

読み始めました.カーネル多変量解析そのものを研究している人じゃなくて,カーネル使ってちょっといいことしたいよねと思っている人に非常におすすめです.まだ全部は読み切れていないけど,とりあえず第一章がすごくわかりやすい.=== 線形回帰にカーネ…

PRML 1.3〜1.4

I returned to my family home the day before yesterday. In the Shinkansen which went to Gifu from Tokyo, I read 1.3〜1.4 (and the beginning part of 1.5) of PRML. 1.3 Model Selection It is possible to optimize parameters of by machine learni…

The first day of a reading cycle of PRML

We began a reading cycle of "Pattern recognition and machine learning" written by Christopher M. Bishop. I used techinique of pattern recognnition for my research, but havn't studied pattern recognition systematically. Therefore, through t…