
PRML 1.3〜1.4

I returned to my family home the day before yesterday. In the Shinkansen which went to Gifu from Tokyo, I read 1.3〜1.4 (and the beginning part of 1.5) of PRML. 1.3 Model Selection It is possible to optimize parameters of by machine learni…

The first day of a reading cycle of PRML

We began a reading cycle of "Pattern recognition and machine learning" written by Christopher M. Bishop. I used techinique of pattern recognnition for my research, but havn't studied pattern recognition systematically. Therefore, through t…


脳の中で,音楽を再生することができる. そのとき,鼓膜は振動していない.つまり,物理的に音楽はそこに存在していない. なのに,我々はその音を「聞く」ことができる. - ジェネラティブな脳 声でも同様の現象がおこる. よく知っている人が何か話してい…